Mar 24, 2012

Asia Society Forum on Collecting Ancient Art in the 21st Century

I recently attended a 2-hour forum at the Asia Society in NY in which a panel of experts including museum directors and curators, art dealers, academic specialists, collectors, and a former officer with the Department of Homeland Security discussed issues relating to the collecting and displaying of ancient Asian art. I found the discussions incredibly informative and have already found a summary of it and a video of the entire program posted to a website.

Mar 23, 2012


For readers of my blog interested in learning more about Korean art, I urge you to join the KOREAN ART SOCIETY, based in New York City.

Mar 6, 2012

S. J. Rozan Mystery Novel features intrigue about fictional Contemporary Chinese painter

As a fan of mystery novels in general and S. J. Rozan's Chinese-American detective Lydia Chin and her partner Bill Smith  in particular, I was delighted to read her newest novel, GHOST HERO, whose storyline featured mystery and intrigue surrounding a fictional contemporary Chinese painter. It is set in NY City, just before the start of "Asian Art Week," an annual event each March, which I generally attend. I thoroughly enjoyed it! On S.J. Rozan's website, I was pleased to see a page with links to numerous resources for the study and appreciation of Chinese art in general that she describes as the GHOST HERO COMPANION GUIDE.